----<<<{{{[[[ ARGEL POINTERS 3.00 ]]]}}}>>>----- o LEGAL STUFF These pointers are copyright 1995 by Russ "Argel" LeBar. The original paladin pointer is copyright 1994. All rights are reserved. These are eyesoreware - if you hate all of them, send me $10! :-) If any of these appear on a coverdisk, I MUST get a free copy! These may go on the Aminet and Fred Fish CD-ROMs, but I still retain all my rights regarding the mouse pointers. o INTRODUCTION / NOTES These are some hires mouse pointers (thus AmigaDOS 3.0+ is required) with a fantasy bent (namely AD&D character classes). Also thrown in is my original Paladin which is also on aminet at the moment (with a couple other variations not worth much). OS3.0 users will have to manually load these into the pointer prefs since it has a bug in it (how annoying!). Don't know if it's fixed in OS3.1 or not. ECS users must have be using the new OS3 monitors (e.g. DBLNTSC) to use these pointers!!! The pointers in my new style all have the same busy pointer - an hour glass - since I couldn't come up with anything for the fighter and I wanted to work on the others. o AD&D POINTERS (* = new) * o Cleric - hotspot is top left diagonal part of hood. o Fighter o Mage - hotspot is near the top left of the magic missile. o Paladin o Ranger * o Thief (Kender) - hotspot is top left part of hoopak(sp?) o OTHER POINTERS o Hourglass (busy) - hotspot is the absolute top left. o Paladin 00 - the original one. o Paladin 01 - the original using the Paladin (New) color scheme o Paladin (New) - Better color scheme. Taken from a picture I painted (on my web page in the gallery). o THE FUTURE The Paladin isn't completly what I'd like, so a new one might show up (I'll keep the old one in the archive though). A bard is possible, but I think a druid and specialist mage are out. Possibly some monsters too. In the not-so-near future I might branch out to some non-AD&D stuff (any suggestions?). o HISTORY 1.00 Aug. 1995 Ranger & Paladin (plus Others) 2.00 Aug. 1995 Added Mage and Paladin 2.01 Aug. 1995 Whoops! Fixed the "Others/" icons. 3.00 Aug. 1995 o Added a Cleric and Thief (Kender). o Colors redone to conform to the default OS scheme (transparent, medium, dark, bright). o Got rid of the icons (I use a 16 color palette so I had to redo all of them everytime I did a new distribution) and added an iff picture instead. o THE AUTHOR /---Russ-LeBar-------+------ c621412@missouri.edu ---------S()---------\ | // Dare to Dream | Creator of Argel Ptrs & Term toolstrip imagery | | \X/ A M I G A | A1200-6MB-14Mhz881-426HD -- Term beta tester | +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+ | WWW: http://www.missouri.edu -- Kathy Troccoli Page, Artwork, etc. | | FTP: musie.phlab.missouri.edu in pub/amiga -- (Term beta site) | \------S()--Argel----------- Opinions are mine & thus CORRECT =) ------/